The best teachers
Good teachers make all the difference. According to research by academic-testing expert William Sanders and others, the effectiveness of the individual classroom teacher is the single biggest factor affecting students' academic growth.
In one study, for example, Sanders found that students who had been taught by three ineffective teachers in a row scored below the 50th percentile in mathematics by the end of the third year. By contrast, those with three highly effective teachers scored above the 80th percentile. Teachers' effect on academic growth dwarfed other factors, such as class size, that have been given so much attention.
Good teachers make all the difference. According to research by academic-testing expert William Sanders and others, the effectiveness of the individual classroom teacher is the single biggest factor affecting students' academic growth.
In one study, for example, Sanders found that students who had been taught by three ineffective teachers in a row scored below the 50th percentile in mathematics by the end of the third year. By contrast, those with three highly effective teachers scored above the 80th percentile. Teachers' effect on academic growth dwarfed other factors, such as class size, that have been given so much attention.
In California, too few students have access to qualified teachers, especially in schools serving children of color and children from low-income families. The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning reports that in schools with the highest percentages of minority children, more than 20 percent of teachers are underqualified, compared with 5 percent of teachers in schools serving a low percentage of minorities. Perhaps not coincidentally, in the lowest-performing schools, as ranked by the Academic Performance Index, 1 in 5 teachers is not fully credentialed, compared to 1 in 20 in the highest- ranking schools.
Stanford University economist Eric Hanushek found that having good teachers five years in a row could eliminate the average achievement gap between poor students and their higher-income peers. Clearly, if we want to give all children a chance to succeed, we need to invest in the quality of our teachers. We need to give teachers good preparation before they enter the classroom as well as continued support and opportunities to develop their skills after they begin teaching.
Comedian Bill Cosby knows the importance of teachers, and, in fact, attributes his own phenomenal success to a teacher. As a sixth-grade student in Philadelphia, he was inspired by his teacher, Mary Forchic, to follow his dreams of becoming an entertainer. Recognizing his natural storytelling abilities she suggested to him that he "become either a lawyer or an actor, because you lie so well." Forchic remained one of Cosby's lifelong friends.
Cosby has devoted a great deal of his time to ensuring that all children have the opportunity to benefit from teachers like Forchic. An example of his efforts to promote effective teachers for all children will be seen today. Partnering with Stanford's School of Education, Cosby is "celebrating teachers" in a benefit performance on the Stanford campus, with proceeds going to teacher fellowships. Cosby's performance will be followed by a fund-raising dinner hosted by another teacher advocate, TV journalist Tom Brokaw, and preceded by a conference honoring a group of extraordinary Bay Area educators. The goals of the events are to call attention to the importance of investing in teachers and to honor teachers for their commitment and hard work.
We could all follow Cosby's lead and express our gratitude for the enormous contributions that dedicated teachers make to our children's lives and to our community. So many teachers in the Bay Area are at school early and stay late, correct papers and plan instruction evenings and weekends -- working hard to meet the educational needs of students, some of whom struggle to make progress despite the stress of living in poverty, lack of proficiency in English and many other challenges. Teachers buy materials with money from their own pockets and volunteer their Saturdays and vacation time to attend workshops to develop their own skills. They don't do all this for the money, I assure you. They do it because they care about the education of our children. As another school year comes to a close, it is an appropriate time to thank the effective and dedicated teachers in our schools.
Taken from The San Francisco Chronicle
Waiting for your posts giving your opinions about this article and also contrasting with the Chilean educational reality according to your own experience. Best regards from your teacher, Marcela.
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ReplyDeleteBeing a Good teacher is not an easy job. However it is not impossible. It takes guts and hard work to reach experience enough to know your students better and have with them a positive rapport.
ReplyDeleteBeing respectful and empathetic with learners makes the work easier, since that way you are able to know in deep your students expectations, dreams, hopes, etc. The environment in the classroom will be richer and so will be the lessons.
a good teacher MUST be humble and show disposition to learn from others, even his/her learners. As teachers we need to take chances and apply our intuition and knowledge. Everything is useful to us. A good teacher always tries to improve their performance and s/he consider even the tiny details when working for her or his students.
My personal ideal teacher and the kind of teacher I want to be some day, is the one who gives his/her pupils a prism to look as many options as possible, so they can make concious choices in every single aspect of their own lives. The effective teacher is not only an open encyclopedia, but also is a facilitator, someone you can count on when you've lost your way... a person first of all, a "guardian" of knowledge and wisdom if s/he can be called that way... someone who doesn't give up and won't give up on his or her students. A good teacher always will bring out the very best from others... If as teachers we are able to be humble enough to recognize our mistakes and learn from them and consider other aspects beyond knowledge and books and "doing the job" I think then we could reach our learners heart and from their hearts we will able to be meaninful in their minds.
I find the article is excellent. I agree with it. The education process is not only a matter of suitable buildings, quantities of computers per pupils, adecuate syllabuses or different teaching theories. All of that are not enough whether the teacher is not a good teacher.
ReplyDeletegreat article, and it fits with everyday words that teachers of the UDLA are saying to us "you have to be a good teacher" "you have to motivate your students" etc.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the studies that say tht the students taught by bad teachers became bad students and students taught by good teachers became good students...and I really get pissed of when some people say about this things of "the student have to be the center of the educational process" or "it doesn't matter if the teacher is god or bad, the contents have to be the good ones" ALL THAT IS BULLSHIT!
Its clear that in the process of teaching-learning there is a 50-50 percent of importance among children and teachers, there must be a balance. In addition I could say that children are like raw diamonds that must be worked on them to became perfect jewels, they have the skills and the brain to be good, but if there isn`t someone to help them and guide them, they will remain the same they are.
Patricio Castro E.
sorry mispelling in PISSED OFF
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with Patricio's statememnts.
ReplyDeleteThe real teaching is not based on just a piece of information or the technology schools have nowadays. Some schools have all the infraestructure and yet, none of their students have ever gone to the computer lab or the english lab. Actually there are a lot of teachers which work in very poor condition, with almost no material but they have had great results in order to teach their students.
The thing here I guess, is realizing that regardless the material, quality of books, or economical sources, if a teacher is not suitable for a group, her or his work is useless.
Hi !
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I want to say that I agree with this artcicle. Sometimes we don't think about how important we are for our students. For this reason we have to think very well what we are saying to the students, because sometimes our words can hurt somebody's feelings.
One day I heard how the director of the school says to a girl horrible words, and she started to cry. I had a horrible feeling about this experience, I mean he is the director how could do that, in my opinion It's a shame!!
So be careful with your words classmates!
Ely Tello
After I read this article, I was thinking about Bill Cosby and how he noticed that the attitude might help us to promote teaching.
ReplyDeleteBefore starting this course, I mean, as a learning English to become a teacher, I could have not imagined that the most important fact in education business is to make people social, because they act as island (separatedly, and indiferently of others). Regardless the fact I am as another island-like person, it is not so hard to teach how to be a human-like person, and that is an excellent way to motivate people in whatever activity you are going to do.
The contents are important, and that will be your money at the end of the month; however, I still think our focus should be based on a good relationship, more than a content-based work life.
Hello Everyone
ReplyDeleteGreat article, It`s amazing the Cosby`s job related to teaching and education, maybe we could imitate his way to teach, he`s a good example for every teacher.
If we decided to be a teacher is because we have an especial vocation to teach, unfortunately, some teachers forget their vocation and sometimes they feel that teach it´s a kind of obligation, so we have the opportunity to change it and give the students the best, motivate them and ecourage to learn,we have to enjoy the process of teaching using all the tools to become great teachers, it`s up to us.
Maria Teresa Sanhueza
ReplyDeleteI think this is a good report,is important to teach in a correct way, maybe we need to focus on the learning process, we have to aware that as teachers are not going to be rich, it has to do with the vocation.
unfortunately some teachers are not concerned about the learning of their students, so the students suffers the consequences, maybe
our mission is motivate them and encourage them in the learning process.
Silvia Romero.
Im totally agree, I've always think that a teacher is not only a person who stands up in front of a class, it's also a person that is going to educate people, and in that way it's also a person who must have the ability to form and guide the students in the best way according to their needs and as the images say up there, a great teacher opens a mind and also touches a heart.
ReplyDeleteHello everybody!
ReplyDeleteI want to share something that I have experienced in my second practice. The teacher use to explain all the english subjects with topics related to moral or ethical values in connection with the student's reality. For example for explain modal verbs like MUST, he write a question on the whiteboard: "I have no money"- then the class starts with the answers of the students, por example: "You must find a job"
The connection with the reality makes them awake in the class.
That could be a way to be a good teacher.
René Elgueta
ReplyDeleteI read the article and I found so interesting because it is so true “Good teacher make all the difference”. They had a big importance of responsibility in our future. Some teachers do not have vocation for help their students when they have problem of identity or what they want to do in their life because they feel insecure about everything, the teacher have to duty to show the way of solve it and at the same time the teacher must show their virtue and inspire saying that “everybody are good in something”. Our work like a teacher is not only gives information about a subject but also guide them. A teacher have to “the best teachers teach what we cannot learn from books” “A great teacher take a hands, opens a mind, and touches a heart” for this reason we are studying this career we have to have vocation ( I believe this) because we know that with this career we are not going to earn money. I think this career does not receive material thing but we receive personal satisfaction.
On the other hand the qualified and unqualified teacher I think that in Chile and many other countries have the same problem with the bad education and good education because if we want a good education we must pay more money and we demand for that and they have duty to carry out it however when we are studying a public education we just receive its. For this reason we have to be better teachers and contribute to education, we have to make differences.
Verónica Valenzuela
sorry some days ago I wrote director instead of Headmaster
ReplyDeleteI think that being a good teacher in Chile is not easy, because in the majority of schools you have to follow of strict manner an educational plan, and that in many cases is not easy to convert this to work in a better way. For example there are schools where students have to buy an expensive book for work every year, also it is true that the texts are a great material for learning support but this does not mean that with a text students will achieve all the knowledge they should; on the other hand, are often the parents whose have to blame for their children's learning, because they expect as a teacher to follow step by step the texts, in this respect I think that English needs many methods education so that students can learn the skills needed to develop, not only to focus on books.
ReplyDeleteAnother important factor in terms of student learning, it is emotional, as a teacher must be very careful when faced with students, we must understand, help and advise them to know. Educating a student means not only teaching content, and making notes, also know to have a good relationship with your students and other factors.
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ReplyDeleteHi Everyone:
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I have to say the article is really good, and as Patricio said fits with the things our teachers have told us since we started our studies at UDLA. Of course it is very important to consider our students and work for them, not just to receive a salary. Because we cannot forget they need us, and they hope a lot of us, as their teachers.
It is true that being a teacher is not very easy, because sometimes we will have to forget we are people with problems, needs and so on. To give our students the best of us, and not making them feel uncomfortable or lost because our lack of control.
Second of all, according to what happens here in Chile, I think we have a long way to cover, because sometimes there are many teachers that are willing to change our educational system, but the intention is not enough, we need to be active on this,otherwise we will fail, because the system is always trying to overwhelm us just like with the rest of the teachers that have been consumed by it. That is why we have a hard battle to win, but if we follow our principles we can do a very good job, and we can change the reality of our country according to Education and also society.
Katherine Morales
ReplyDeleteInteresting article!, and very connected with our reality, because all the time I am listening about so unable and incompetent English teachers Chile has, and this makes me feel scared and annoyed at the same time, because we, as future English teachers, are categorize so bad, before we can get our university degree!, horribly amazing!, and I wonder; how can we change this situation?, the only thing I think is work harder and demonstrate that we could be good teachers, because we decided be teachers, by vocation not because our points scored in P.S.U were low, and even the society believes another thing, even the situations will be complex, even our students have low-incomes, even many things, because every of us knows that there is something quite powerful inside our minds to put in practise, so no one could ruin our ideas.
I like to believe that a good teacher, is not just a person who teaches something specific, but also is a friend, a mother/father, a doctor, even a magician too, because no matter if s/he has not enough tools to work, just with a simple marker could work wonders.
Best wishes!
I agree with "a good teachers make all the differences", I believe that a good methodology of teaching and to be a qualified teacher are not enough when in front of students is an inaffective teacher, who does students don´t feel confidence in participating in class or ask some doubts, students believe that this type of teacher doesn´t appreciate them, he or she has some problems with them. Which can affect the learning of students. I believe a good teacher is who has a real vocation to teach, is empathetic, motivates their students, and learns of them.
I believe when a teacher has a strong relationhsip with their students is easier to teach, because the students will have a better response, besides the content will have a emotional value for them.
ReplyDeleteHi everyone!
ReplyDeleteI would like to say that according to my own experience I think it’s not so easy to be a great teacher, sometimes because we are not well prepared to teach and sometimes because the environment is not appropriated for making a good class. I consider that there are many kind of teachers, those who are all the time trying to be "Friends" of their students or those who are so stricter that scare students and no one is able to make a single question during the class.
A few days ago I read a very interesting article that mentions the "key" to be a good teacher. (This investigation was made here in Chile) It mentioned that the best teacher is the one who dominate and manage the contents (in our case english contents).
Is the one, who is not scared about students learning even if they know more than he or she.
Is the teacher who his o her only preoccupation is to make students internalize and understand the contents and all the things that he wants to teach.
I absolutely agree with this definition, that is why I consider that is so important for us, to manage and to know how to make easier the internalization of a foreign language as the one which we must teach.
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ReplyDeleteIn the article appears a lot of information and I agree with all that, when you decide to be a teacher in any subject you really need to think about it, it is not an easy decision you have a lot of work to do correct test, is just a simple part of been a teacher, you are more than that, you are a guide of your students the things that you say in the class are like that, I mean if you teach something or you make a comment you must be sure about what you are saying because when they are kids you are like “god” all your comments are correct for that reason sometimes you don’t have to demonstrate your preferences you should be neutral
ReplyDeleteTeachers of English at schools in Chile are horrible first of all they speak in Spanish, introduce the new material in mother tongue, they don’t correct the pronunciation of their students or just sometimes, but is very difficult because also they are a lot forty students? is quite difficult listen to all of them, on the other hand students sometimes they don’t cooperate, also they don’t do their homework or don’t pay attention to the teacher, these are other facts that influence the bad quality of English in Chile not just the role of the teacher. Contrasting the first idea at university is very different teachers are really good and is easier understand English if you learn in that language and if you speak all the time.
Our profession is beautiful and every day I notice that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life maybe is very hard but someone must do it ! ….
Hello everybody!!!
ReplyDeleteAs Beta sayd, I think is very important that the teacher has a good and strong relationship with his/her students, this will facilitate the way in which they communicate and at the same time this will help the learning process. We all are humans and we have feelings; therefore, it is almost impossible to learn in a hostile atmosphere or simply with a teacher that you don't feel comfortable. For these reasons, it is extremely important to be aware of the way in which we say things to our students, because we can hurt their feelings and this could be something that marks the student with our subject. There are some cases in which students don't like a subject exclusively because they had bad experiences(in emotional terms) with the teacher of that subject.
Fernanda Donaire
Hi Everyone!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the article. Teachers in our lives
are very important, they are more than a simple teacher, they are forming persons, they give values, habits, discipline, and respect for each other.
To become a teacher is a great responsability, and it is necessary to have vocation to be able develop it.
if a teacher has problems, he or she must leave them away from the classroom, because teacher's attitude affects in the learning process.
ooopss I mean SAID...