Monday, June 15, 2009

Assignment for June 22nd

First semester evaluation

What is your evaluation of the first English IV semester? Do you consider that you have progressed or that you're stuck? What do you think about the activities we've had so far? Do you recommend other activities we could do in class? Have you been a good student? What can you do so as not to lose contact with the language during winter vacation? What factors have favored/ affected your learning?

Waiting for your posts. Best regards, Marcela.


  1. In my opinion I consider that I've learned a lot of things such as Vocabulary, a little bit of phonetics, to be more detailed and also a lot of general culture that we have to know as a teacher. :P

    The problem is that I don't find the situation where I can use it, or maybe is because I'm afraid of make a mistake using this "new words". jajaj. I consider that maybe It would be great to focus more on "oral presentations" and things like that, because we're near (or a great percent of the class) of become an English teacher, and we have to improve our Intonnation, fluency and Rhythm, at the momento of talking with the rest.

    Finally, Vacations are Vacations, and always is necessary to rest a little during the year.


  2. hi everyone
    practicing in a speaking way in the major task for this last years for some of us. As you asked, how we could improve our fluency?(inderect question)
    I think we could dedicate a class to english speaking only, or we could just make a contest on listening and guess the movie or song heard.
    I don't know. It is just an idea.

    best regards, and don't forget dribling the ah1n1, cause alreary are some infected ones.

  3. I have no idea where I was, I mean, I am in my last year of university and I notice how child I am.
    Maybe the vocabulary is closely in order, 'cause I will never use all the vocabulary.
    Even I will fall down with some pronountiations during one or some of the classes I make and despite of my students destructive critic I think that break the routine (not working as a slave, always tied to a book) it is an excellent idea. So in a certain extent, I'm almost sure to be freely free (not struck as you've mentioned)

    What about the activities?
    Well, personally I believe the enthusiasm of the person in front helps me to stare my attention.

    What I am going to do with winter vacation and English?
    I think that the time has come to start hard-investigation with thesis. I'm gonna keep on training during "vacations", even when I think I'm not gonna take it, anyway (work, seek information, get some money).

  4. I feel like I know the same, maybe I have learnt some new vocabulary but I think I have no progress.
    I think we are going nowhere fast, we should see more contents in a short time, and not doing reviews of the unit once and again.

    Patricio Castro

  5. Hello everybody!
    I have to say that I think this subject is one of the most important ones. I consider that I have practiced my English, although not so much, as you know, we are too many inside the classroom.
    Anyway I have learnt plenty of new words and vocabulary.
    I think it is a good idea to read during winter vacations in order to don’t loose what we have learnt.
    I Also have had the opportunity of sharing with new people and meet new classmates; I think we get a good environment inside the classroom.
    I like to make presentations, because it is not easy to have all the people starring at you! But no doubt this is going to be our job.
    Best regards!!

  6. Hello Everyone!

    According to the idea of progress, honestly I don't think I have progress to much but I have been perfecting some details like intonation, or pronunciation (because I have to recognize that two years without phonetics is everything less a benefit).

    Also I have to mention that I agree with Patricio in the idea that we are moving very slow, so I think we should find the way of dealing with more contents to reach the advance level, without forgetting the necessity for everybody to have the same level.

    Well, according to holidays, I think we have to rest, but also find the way of improving, for example reading or maybe listening some podcasts.

    Perhaps not many of you know about this, but in the BBC web page there is a section of podcasts and there are some for people that is learning English I download some every week maybe it would be helpful for you too. So here I will write the direction.

    some of the programmes are:
    _ Grammar Challenge
    _ Six minutes English

    I hope you see this, because they are really good and heLpful.

    Best Regards.

    Katherine Morales

  7. In relation to my evaluation, I think that I have progressed, I have learned more vocabulary, phonetic sounds and other things, but I believe that I need to improve my English in terms of speaking, and writing in the last point said, I think that will be good to see some about grammar, because many of us don´t have a great base in English. This year I consider that I have been a responsible student; because always I´m treating to attend to all class and sometimes that I haven´t assisted it has been for major strength reasons.
    Now In relation to the activities, I´d like me to watch more interesting films.
    Some ideas to not lose the contact with the idiom could be read, watch films, listen to music, to do exercises using internet.
    Regarding to factors have affected my learning were teachers or maybe "called teachers" that I had in the first years of this degree. I find deplorable that some teachers that I don´t have vocation can do class not having the damage that they do to their students.
    Now thanks for God, when we came to study to Republica many things change and the mainly change were teachers.

  8. Well, during this term I have learned lot of things (new vocabulary, a little of phonetics, culture, etc). Also, we have done a lot of activities, thing that I did not do last term (like presentations in front of the class). I must recognize that I learned some things the last one, but not as much as this semester. So far, I would prefer to do more presentations, because that helps to improve our pronunciation and our development inside the classroom. I think that, in order to not lose contact with the language, the blog must continue, to share our opinions and practice grammar.
    That's all!!
    Best Regards!!!

    Daniela Villanueva

  9. Hi !!

    Well I have learnt a lot of things in this semester for example vocabulary, pronunciation and also grammar.
    Sometimes we are so concerned about the difficult structures that we forget the simple ones, and specially in my case because I don't have a good memory.
    I feel that I have progressed, but sometimes I don't have confidence and I start to think that everything what I speak is wrong so that is my personal problem but I know that I can do this... so classmates wish me luck :)

    See you
    Elizabeth Tello

  10. I consider I have progressed, I have learned a lot of vocabulary at least for me new words that I'm trying to apply in my speaking but is not so easy .. classes are interesting and presentations were good we should continue do that because is a perfect way to feel more comfortable in the front of a big amount of people and we could manage better our speaking and also it would help us to be more creative. The debate is also a good idea, all this kind of instances will help us a lot....

  11. HI..
    MACA O.

  12. Hi everyone!!

    This is a good way of autoevaluation, we must be honest, by the way!!
    I have improved my vocabulary, a lot... My phonetics too.
    One activity that we could do in class is write more essays, to improve the writing, I think that is one thing that we are weaker.

    Best regards.

  13. Hi Everyone!

    I think this semester has been a very good one, in terms of feeling comfortable in classes, and with me and my knowledge, because I can see, also feel my progress, maybe it is not so much, but for me is rewarding. This is very important, because after all this time at the university, that is the only sensation I could feel!!
    Another important think is, if I have been a good student during this semester, and my answer is yes, because I have given my best, all my effort, even if I had been tired or fed up with everything, (including my job) =) I was kidding.
    I believe that we must keep in contact by this way, because is the only thing we could do far away in the distance; we are not going to join somewhere, mmm or not? Just be realistic!

    Best wishes!

  14. I think that I have progressed in my learning process, I have learned lot of vocabularies, but I know that I and my classmates need more occasions to practice our English.

    I think that I have been a good student, I have tried to do my best effort to be better, but I know that I have never finished to learn.


  15. I think that this semester I´ve learnt a lot in terms of vocabulary, pronunciation and also culture, as landmarks and some inventions, I have to say that last year and this year I´ve improved my english a lot and now I feel more confortable.Honestly, I´m very responsible so I´ve tried to be a good student in every subject,because I have to.
    A good way to practice english in winter vacation can be reading the newspaper in english, watching a lot of movies with the subtitles in english and practice speaking with your classmates is a good one, especially because nobody understand around you.

    María Teresa

  16. Actually I am so happy because I think that this year I have learn much more with the class and with the blog because this blog help us to write before it was so dificult for me and now I feel more comfortable and it is easier. Also every class I can learn vocabulary and pronunciation. Well I have confess that I have not have a lot participation in class and I hope change this because I know that it is my last year and this is my last chance for improve my english.

  17. Hello
    I think that I have learnt a lot this semester, especially vocabulary, also pronunciation and culture.
    I think that I have progressed and this situation makes me feel happy because I have improve my English language.
    Silvia Romero.
