The Swine flu
It is a contagious respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. Pigs are hit by regular outbreaks. There are many different types of swine flu and like human flu, the infection is constantly changing. The outbreak in Mexico seems to involve a new type of swine flu that contains DNA typically found in avian and human viruses.
The assignment is finding out and giving more information about this dangerous outbreak in Mexico that could eventually infect the whole world. How do humans catch it? What are the symptoms? How dangerous is it? Why should we be worried about it? What is a pandemic? Will it spread to Chile? What is being done in Chile to prevent the infection? Waiting for your posts. Best regards, Marcela.
Another probale pandemic situation at world level.
ReplyDeleteIt was weird that Swine flu could be treppased to our human race, due to the fact there were not any kind of this flu with that ability.
Recently, a big quantity of people had been contaminated by this sick.
I am listening News in TVN and apparently, there are eight people which would have swine flu, here in Chile (mmm... suspicious).
In my personal opinion, this sick was born by the feeding with non-organic elements (water, drugs & waste), temperature & non-natural treatment.
If you are searching for the symptoms this web page could be useful:
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ReplyDeleteHello everybody!
ReplyDeleteI'm not an alarmist person at all, but I do think this situation is worthy of our preoccupation. Why? For the following:
1º Humans catch this desease like a simple flu, human to human, in a simple way, breathing the same air.
2º You don't know exactly if you caught or not the illness because the symptoms are very similar to the ones of the common flu.
3º Is dangerous for the fast way to spread that it has.
4º We should be worried about it (just be concerned not alarmed) because of the points 1º and 3º.
Now, for the ones that don't know what a pandemic is, I tell you that we are talking about pandemic when we are referring to an epidemic of contagious disease that spreads through populations across a large region; for instance a continent, or even worldwide. According to WHO (World Health Organization) there are 6 fases that a specific situation like this one should gone through to talk about a Pandemic, and right now we are in 5th fase.
On the other hand we have the question, will it spread to Chile? Is so easy to go abroad and sadly that situation helps to spread this fateful disease. So, we should be worried about? It's up to you.
I believe the main problem about the flu is there is not a cure yet. and also how fast is spreading all over the world. I hope they can find a proper cure, and try to do it quickly, because is a tricky disease.
ReplyDeleteHere you can find a world map were the swine flu is
this flu is like one which hit europe during the first world war and killed millions. Fortunateli the medicine nowadays is more developed and we can aspire to better solutions. The only one problem is the global situation that has spread yet the infection all over the world.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why my comments are signed as "Rafael" anyway, my name is rene rafael elgueta. this is a big mistery to me.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone!
ReplyDeleteSwine flu is common in swine and rare in humans. Humans catch it being in contact with an infected person.
The swine flu in humans is most contagious during the first five days of the illness.
Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.
The situation is serious. In response to the intensifying outbreak, the World Health Organization raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 4; the increase in the pandemic alert phase indicates that the likelihood of a pandemic has increased.
A pandemic is a global disease outbreak.
In Chile the control of the passengers that come from affected countries has been intensified in order to avoid the spread of the virus.
Maca O
today I saw a website where they say that there are 2 person infected by swine flu, one of them is in the clinica alemana and the other one is in clinica las condes . i don't know if it's true but i'm scared of it , so we have to face the h1n1 like real soldiers anyway . but How is swine flu treated?
ReplyDeleteThe new swine flu virus is sensitive to the antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza. The CDC recommends those drugs to prevent or treat swine flu; the drugs are most effective when taken within 48 hours of the start of flu symptoms. But not everyone needs those drugs; many of the first people in the U.S. with lab-confirmed swine flu recovered without treatment. The Department of Homeland Security has released 25% of its stockpile of Tamiflu and Relenza to states. Health officials have asked people not to hoard Tamiflu or Relenza.
i hope that it can help - best regards to everyone and get down 4 wherever
now it is dicovered that are five swim flu's cases in Chile.
ReplyDeleteI dissagree with, that the mexican football team arrived to our country with out any difficulties, I mean with out any precautions.
about the disease's seriousness you or anyone could die. everybody is expose to become infected.
marcela flores beytia
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ReplyDeletePandemic are called all diseases that spread all over the world...from a specific place.
ReplyDeleteThe symptoms of the swim flu are pretty much like a common flu... but stronger... Doctors have recommended to use vaccines against common flu, but I don't think they are going to prevent any infection. We have to consider that we are talking about a mortal disease that has already about seventy victims all over the world and it has spread to England, Asia, U.S.A and Mèxico.
Personally, I hadn't any idea of this infectious disease, until last Monday when I watched the news. I am very worried about it, because there was a non confirmed case in Puente Alto and since I live there, I started to think about the safe of population, because I think that airports supervision and vaccines are not enough.
By the way I'm Daniela Concha, but since there is another Daniela, Danìchu is my nick ;)
I just hear in the news that there is a new name for this illness, something like human flu and stuff, and also that this is not as much dangerous as people think, and that the people was worried because 10 people died in mexico but it was fault of the doctors that just thought that it was a common flu and not a serious illness, so the people died cuz they thought it wasnt something to worry about.
ReplyDeletethe main point is that if you get ill or you think you are ill you have to go to the doctor inmediately and have some anti-viruses and have some rest, and that all!
Patricio Castro
Hi everybody! I've got a piece of news from New Zealand, it says that a Maori politician urged for a temporary halt to the traditional greeting where two people press their noses and foreheads together and exchange breath.
ReplyDeleteIsn`t interesting?
sorry i should wrote
ReplyDelete"isn`t it interesting?"
I´m think that the swine flu has began to alarm at the great majority of people in all the world, because every day are more people catched for this disease, in this moment there are around 100 people died for it. Some symptoms of swine flu are fever, sore throat, cough, and possibly vomiting and diarrhea. This disease can cause the death, for this reason the Chile´s government has announced some prevention:
ReplyDeleteFirst: whole health system has been put on alert.
Were suspended flights to Mexico where was found the first and major source of infection.
At the airport exists machines to detect some symptoms that could have foreign people that enter to Chile.
Pandemics depending on their severity can disrupt society in incredible ways. We can have large absenteeism in workplaces; we can have schools that have to close. In rare cases pandemics can cause significant numbers of deaths.
Fortunately this disease has not spread in Chile, and hopefully not the case, it would be a disgrace.
I think that we don't need to be so alert as we are, I mean...There're a lots of officer working hard in the chilean's border, and also, because it's look like the medical department is putting the correct prevention to this problem to.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I Watch the Tv news few days before, an they said that there were some scientist that will have a vaccine in the next 5 months :S, I hope we can survive until August/September, jajajajaj.
Flu Mask FTW!!11.
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ReplyDeleteHello Everybody!!
ReplyDeleteThis said in the news:
On April 2 during the meeting of the group of G7 integrated by EU, United Kindom, Canada, Germany, Italy and Japan gave 2 fundamental conclusions
1.- The world economy needed a change.
2.- The IMF(International Monetary Fund),
would destine 500.000 million dollars emergent economies to help them.
Finally on Monday, April 27th, the pharmaceutical company Sanofi Aventis announces that should inject 100 million Euros into a new plant of vaccines and would donate 236.000 doses to Mexico as support to the control of the disease.
Of everything previous let's see the following things:
1.- For more than 2 years the pharmaceutical industry worldwide has had financial problems as the decay in the sale of medicines.
2. If you do not create wars, create diseases.
3.- Mexico is the perfect springboard to throw the disease, From here tourists would go out to different places of the world, curiously the countries that have sick people, that people were in Mexico, and they are reinforcing their sanitary fence. That countries integrate the G7. That is strange!
think about what is speaking worldwide now... of the virus or the financial crisis?. This is a relief for the world bank and the stock exchanges of the world.
The sales of the drugstores has increased and the cost of the masks increased too.
So my questions are:
1. If really is so contagious, how and where dead people relatives are?
2. If the porcine flu is a mutation of the original virus(from pigs), then the outbreak of the infection should have begun in the countryside and not in the cities.
3. Why they have not showed an interview with any patient? I have seen that they interview only relatives, saying that their relative is ill and that already is stable thanks to the medicines, but if the relatives have been in direct contact with the virus, the logical thing would be these persons were sick or in quarantine?
4. Why they have not said the name of the retroviral that is "treating" to the sick people?
Think about it...
Hi everyone.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I kmow, the camera set up at the airport by the health department, works in those cases where the "pork flu" has developed after 5 or 7 after it is was infected. nonetheless it is one to be detected. on the other hand I was told by a guest who comes from Japan and that there the control is quite exagerated, because all passengers have to walk through a windy hall where desinfect from up to down, and nobody regrets. as a mother of fact they thanks to be clean in such a way avoiding being infected on the plane.
I hope it won´t get here, overall for those one who works with foreign people, like me. Just God knows.
happy weekend my friends.
Hello Everyone
ReplyDeleteAs you know, Swine influenza A virus infection (swine flu)can cause a wide range of symptoms, including fever,cough,sore throat,body aches,headache and fatigue. People with swine flu also can have vomiting and diarrhea. Like seasonal flu, swine flu in humans can vary in severity from mild to severe.Severe disease with pneumonia, respiratory failure and even death is possible with swine flu infection.
The main way to spread is from person to person in respiratory doplets of coughs and sneezes.
Some recommendations helping to minimize any risk:
- Throw away tissues and other disposable items used by the sick person in the trash.
- Wash your hands after touching used tissues and similar waste.
- Keep surfaces clean by wiping them down with a household disinfectant.
I hope that we can avoid the spread of the virus.
María Teresa Sanhueza
Hello everybody!
ReplyDeleteI think this is a huge mankind problem, which has been manipulated by the important world authorities, because if we take SIV (Swine Influenza Virus) into account as a real dangerous and contagious disease, it could have a sort of world psychosis. In fact, I did not realize when this infection reached Phase 5, it was faster than we could imagine. Anyway, I am grateful that authorities react like that, because I cannot figure a total world chaos, because of this.
The main problem here is there is not a way to avoid it totally, because this is viral illness, and if a human has the infection, another one could has it too, or even worse to heal it, because there is not a proper vaccine or cure. That is the reason I think it is a so complex situation.
Here you have another web page with important info;
Best wishes;
Jessica Ramírez C.
I work in the airport, and these are the security measures of prevent this illness, if someone have been to countries affected with swine influenza in the past 7 days and they become ill with fever and other symptoms bellow: cough, sore throat, muscle pain, and difficult breathing. It is important these people must go to the doctor.
ReplyDeleteAnd the following measures help to protect from all types of influenza.
1. Wash your hand often with soap and water or waterless alcohol-based hand gel.
2. Avoid shaking hands and close contact with ill people.
3. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and put your used tissue in a wastebasket.
4. Wear a surgical mask to keep from spreading your illness to others.
If you have any doubts or question about this illness, please call this number 6003607777 or visit these web pages: or
Millions of people around the world are in alert because of Swine flu,in Mexico the restaurants, schools are closed, Mexicans stay in home is more sure.
ReplyDeleteThis is a respiratory disease and the symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, chills and fatigue.
Many of the victims are young does point to something unusual, because flu tends to affect the elderly.
The recommendations to avoid the disease are the followings:
Avoid close contact with people who have fever and cough.
Good hygiene can help to reduce transmission of all viruses.
Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, using a tissue.
It is also important to wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
Fortunately,in Chile the swine flu has not spread.I hope that we can avoid this disease.
Silvia R.
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ReplyDelete1. If really is so contagious, how and where dead people relatives are?
R.- of course they are on quarantine!
2. If the porcine flu is a mutation of the original virus(from pigs), then the outbreak of the infection should have begun in the countryside and not in the cities.
R.- if you watch the news and read newspapers you will see that the virus had its outbreak on the countryside, in a small village.
3. Why they have not showed an interview with any patient? I have seen that they interview only relatives, saying that their relative is ill and that already is stable thanks to the medicines, but if the relatives have been in direct contact with the virus, the logical thing would be these persons were sick or in quarantine?
R.- they have (indeed) interviewed some "infected people" but they weren't infected or if they were, they were ON QUARANTINE (that means that they cannot have ANY CONTACT with someone else, just docs and nurses)
4. Why they have not said the name of the retroviral that is "treating" to the sick people?
R.- Cuz is useless if the people is not ill, and it is better to have the anti-virus in hands of the doctors and not on the hands of the drugstores, cuz they could sell them and then we would be running out of any of them!
sorry, but I guess you'd better read something 'bout it and they make your posts
The other day I made a research of this topic just because I wanted to be informed and I found that this virus it isn’t new actually started in 1958 and they found 50 cases since that date obviously now the outbreak has shown an increased percentage of patients reporting those symptoms but nobody or maybe just some people knew this, for that reason I don’t understand so well why now we are so scare.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is make the difference in symptoms because they are very similar to those of influenza, in general symptoms include fever, cough, headache among others, a way to prevent this includes wash frecuently our hands with soap and water, especially after being out in public, and for the rest who is infected they must stay in their home.
The virus is in south america but it is decreasing in Mexico and at list today they reject the concept of pandemic and on the other hand we don’t have any patient with this illenss in Chile so we need to be positive!
ReplyDeleteToday I was watching the news and it was this chilean guy at the SCL airport just coming from U.S. and he commented that chilean authorities overreact about the disease... he said that at the JFK security measures to avoid the spread of the virus were not as extreme as in Chile.
In my personal opinion I believe that if chilean authorities did not take extreme (by the way really effective) measures as it always does, we would already have as many cases as the U.S.
As they always do... (I thought I wrote chilean government)
Well, I really think that this is one of thousand of situations that we are going to deal with...I think we don´t have to be worried about it, we leave in a world that is inclined to many diseases and we should be quiet, this is just one of many.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I think we can take some precautions and do some simple thinks in order to reduce the probabilities of get the flu.
I have heard about some pieces of advicement that I would like to share with you...
How can we reduce the risk?
We should maintein the freezer to 40ºF or less.
Food should be precooked and prepared as soon as posible. (after we buy it)
We should avoid cheese in general, specially mexican cheese as; Camembert, Roquefort, and cheese made of crude milk.
It is not necessary to eliminate all kind of cheeses, you can eat cheeses like; cheddar and Swiss, mozzarella, etc.
We should´nt drink crude milk or crude food.
Be carefull with this kind of food:
meat, Shellfish, fruits.
You should clean and wash all the fruits before eat them.
The important think is that we must be conscious about this pandemia and if we can and want to, we can take some precautions to make it easier.
Take care, see you!
For me is shocking to know that probably we can die soon, because we don´t know if this disease will arrive to our country. But i think, that it is important to be ready to face it. It is important to mention that ur country has a hospital ready to receive people that probably could have this virus. Sometimes it is difficult be relax when we know that a lot of people around the world probably will die.
ReplyDeleteFinally i found that the following countries have reported laboratory confirmed cases with no deaths of A (H1N1) infection- Austria (1), Canada (85), China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (1), Costa Rica (1), Colombia (1), Denmark (1), El Salvador (2), France (2), Germany (8), Ireland (1), Israel (3), Italy (1), Netherlands (1), New Zealand (4), Republic of Korea (1), Spain (40), Switzerland (1) and the United Kingdom (15)
Hello to all
ReplyDeleteWell according to what I have looked on the web, this (new called) human influenza, at the end of the last week was actually a pandemic one, because according to the list that the WHO has a pandemic is something across different countries, what is exactely happening with the new human influenza.
Refering to what has been doing the Chilean gobernment about the control that has received the possible cases, it has been good, but I think people of primary service of health are not prepared of what to do if this glu could arrive to Chile, the health ministry is not aware of preparing the personal to react properly, because they (health personal) have known about this influenza virus just like us, trough tv.
So I think we cannot stop worying until this virus has been completely controlled.
Patricio Castro:
ReplyDeleteThey are not going to sell the retroviral without medical recipe, less one like that...
Do not you think so??
And thank very much for your advice, I will bear it in mind...