Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Assignment for Monday, April 13th

Legalisation of drugs could save UK £14bn, says study

Duncan Campbell
The Guardian, Tuesday 7 April 2009

The regulated legalisation of drugs would have major benefits for taxpayers, victims of crime, local communities and the criminal justice system, according to the first comprehensive comparison between the cost-effectiveness of legalisation and prohibition. The authors of the report, which is due to be published today, suggest that a legalised, regulated market could save the country around £14bn.
For many years the government has been under pressure to conduct an objective cost-benefit analysis of the current drugs policy, but has failed to do so despite calls from MPs. Now the drugs reform charity, Transform, has commissioned its own report, examining all aspects of prohibition from the costs of policing and investigating drugs users and dealers to processing them through the courts and their eventual incarceration.
As well as such savings is the likely taxation revenue in a regulated market. However, there are also the potential costs of increased drug treatment, education and public information campaigns about the risks and dangers of drugs, similar to those for tobacco and alcohol, and the costs of running a regulated system.
The report looked at four potential scenarios, ranging from no increase in drugs use to a 100% rise as they become more readily available.
"The conclusion is that regulating the drugs market is a dramatically more cost-effective policy than prohibition and that moving from prohibition to regulated drugs markets in England and Wales would provide a net saving to taxpayers, victims of crime, communities, the criminal justice system and drug users of somewhere within the range of, for the four scenarios, £13.9bn, £10.8bn, £7.7bn, £4.6bn."
Titled a Comparison of the Cost-effectiveness of the Prohibition and Regulation of Drugs, the report uses government figures on the costs of crime to assess the potential benefits and disadvantages of change. The document, co-written by Steve Rolles, head of research at Transform, uses home office and No 10 strategy unit reports to form its conclusions.
It finds: "The government specifically claims the benefits of any move away from prohibition towards legal regulation would be outweighed by the costs. No such cost-benefit analysis, or even a proper impact assessment of existing enforcement policy and legislation has ever been carried out here or anywhere else in the world."
Taxing drugs would also provide big revenue gains, says the survey. An Independent Drug Monitoring Unit estimate, quoted in the report, suggests up to £1.3bn could be generated by a £1 per gram tax on cannabis resin and £2 per gram on skunk.
The report follows calls for legalisation or a full debate on reform. Last month, the Economist concluded: "Prohibition has failed; legalisation is the least bad solution."


  1. Maybe legalization can change the dynamic of the drug trade for the better, but it will not erase the mafia phenomenon.Legalization alone does not resolve the root causes of the phenomenon.

    Silvia Romero C.

  2. Yet prohibition itself affects the efforts of the drug warriors. The price of an illegal substance is determined more by the cost of distribution than of production.

    Maria Teresa Sanhueza

  3. If they can save £14bn. I belive is not a bad idea after all... remember alcohol was ilegal too and they chaged because the prohibition failed

  4. Whoaaa!
    well I think that by legalizing (some) drugs you could save some money it would be a good idead. Well it depends on what kind of drugs they want to legalize, like marihuana, come on its just a plant, I find it stupid that you aren't allow to have one marihuana plant in home. but if we are talking about drugs like Cocaine or Heroine it would be bad.
    ...anyway...aren't all of us drugusers? the only difference is that we take small amounts of aspirin or things like that, and we don't get that much affected as when you use "ilegal" drugs...
    it is difficult to talk about this, anyway if there are people that need the drugs...there will be people that will sell it

    Patricio C.

  5. the main subject here, it is earn money by the legalization of drugs. Take something positive of something negative like drug trafficking and drugs in self.

    the government spend a lot of money capturing drug dillers and helping to addicted people that are insert in community centers supported by it.

    everybody pays taxes wiht every thing that it is consume,so why do not psy taxes by consuming drugs?.

    Marcela Flores B.

  6. I don't think it will be a good idea at all, to keep money as a tax to pay, but also I don't care what they do... sometimes is better than everyone choose their own way to live & die. (Notwithstanding if people surrounds is worried about)
    If government can build, improve educational system, security and contribute with the development of a country, Why not?

  7. I disagree about legalization of drugs, because it is easy to say that drugs could play a beneficial role en our life and economy,use drug taxes to do something "good" and provide a saving to taxpayers, etc.
    I believe to crime and drugs are closely related, we only have to watch the TV news to realize about this situation.I wouldn´t like my children go to a store to buy drugs like something natural. However, I think that the legalization of drugs have to be only en medical cases. JIMENA SAA

  8. I consider that any kind of drug is perjudicial for life even legalized drugs.
    Unfortunately, people will always need and seek for drugs.
    The big difference, is that some drugs are necessary for humans beings, like morphine in diseases such as cancer or heavy pains.
    The question is, How can society distinguish between a "justified" drug and a "damaging" one?
    Obviously drugs are the cause of many crimes and disasters in the world.
    So, while drugs are illegal we have the hope that murders, rapes, buglaries and many others chaos are controled.

  9. The goverment wants to avoid the microtraffic by legalization of drugs, but it is impossible, because as everything else, there are always people whose practise piracy or sell cheaper than the legal trade, and as well as happens with music, movies and books (among others), there will have persons whose are going to increase the consumption of drugs, selling something worse but cheaper.

    Johanna Guzmán

  10. Uff!...maybe legalize drugs would be a solution in order to solve some UK's financial problems; besides some health ones, if we want to look at this way, yet if we go beyond, and consider it as a social issue, surely we go into something trickier, because this 'supposed legalisation' transgress against our values and beliefs, more important our lives! why not?, just think about it, it would be a vicious circle without exit if we let in our lifestyles, maybe nothing could stop it; because if you need drugs, just go to some drugstore and get them, with no restrictions...the problem here is to become us addicted to this. Of course that to avoid this 'possible addiction' depends of our own willpowers, but how can we visualize it? who knows, considering every single human being with several thoughts over this planet...

  11. I think that Legalization of drugs is not the better solution if we are speaking of a society, maybe the economy can see favored with it, but What happen with the social security of people?. I disagree about this, because in the case of our society, it is not prepared to this.
    Laura B.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Huge Mr. Campbell who thinks about saving taxes.

    The marijuana´s companies will try to push more young people into the habit, also the owners of this business will love him.

    When the priority for some men is saving money, sometimes they forget the advancement of the humanity throught the ages, and It is a clear example of dehumanization.
    Ana Peña.J (Ana Haitz A.)

  14. I think that this possible "solution" is more focused on the monetary benefits that would represent for the country than the ethical aspect, I mean, yes, this could be a solution for drug dealing but then the big problem would be the drug-taking.
    Not for saving huge amounts of money we have to attempt against our physical integrity.
    Maca O.

  15. I disagree with the legaliztion of drugs, because, i think that we, as chilean people, are not ready for that. According to this, people probably will "abuse" of drugs, and for that reason it will be more delincuence and more crimes. However, i agree that drugs can be use in some diseases, because people really need it.

    Karla Hernández Díaz

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Paulina Muñoz G.

    The legalization of drugs?

    It would be better the legalization of marihuana not all of them for a very simple reason for example: our country it is not prepare to this kind of liberty, first of all we must create conscience about what this substances produce in long terms but it is very difficult, because even the government has a wrong or old fashioned point of view they tried to “create conscience” with an absurd spot that just create laugh of young people..
    Why alcohol is legal if people die in car accidents all the time but I’ve never heard that people die for consequence of marihuana

    If we legalize marihuana we could avoid violence or even murders because people have to go to very dangerous places to buy the drug and they don’t know if it is natural or if they put another substance on it, it would be better if we could have our plant in our home. On the other hand maybe this could increase other kind of traffic I mean with the rest of the drugs like cocaine or others because it is more interesting when we do something illegal.

    My conclusion

    the whole world needs more culture!...

    Paulina Muñoz G.

  18. all about this situation is an abuse against people. I hope the gobernment could do something in relation to this

  19. I always thought that the legalization of drugs could not only be good for their "consumers" but also for the government. On one hand, the consumers would be sure that what they are buying is "secure" and all the dangers of narcotrafic would dissappear (since it wouldnt be forbidden anymore). And on the other hand, the government coult tax this substances just as they do with alcohol and cigarretes (other socially accepted drugs) and they would have a benefit from it. After all, most illegal drugs are just as bad to humans as alcohol and cigarretes...
